

Toys, oh toys, so full of joy,
Bringing smiles to every girl and boy,
From dolls and cars to building blocks,
They are the source of endless talks,

For children, they are more than just play,
They hold a special place in their hearts each day,
With every new toy, their imagination soars,
Creating worlds and adventures galore.

A simple teddy bear or a shiny new bike,
Can make a child's face light up like a strike,
They become their best friends, their trusted allies,
In a world of wonder, where anything flies.

From board games to action figures,
Each toy brings its own unique triggers,
Of laughter, happiness, and pure delight,
Filling their days with endless delight.

Even as they grow, toys hold a special place,
In the memories of their childhood space,
For they were more than just objects to play,
They were companions, in every single way.

So let us cherish these toys, so dear,
For they bring happiness, year after year,
To every child, in every corner of the earth.
Reminding us of the simple joys of mirth.

© king