

My Love Come Home
My love,My love, My love
come home
My love for you is unimaginable, I can't see myself without you
My heart always skip a beat, my tummy is filled with a thousand butterflies,my body heat increases just by looking at you
My love, My love,My love
come home, for I miss you dearly
I want to be with you wrapped in your gentle arms
My love, My love,My love
come home, to me for I need you more than ever, our children ask for you and I always give the same answer
"that you will come home"
My love, My love, My love
come home to me for I want to smell that aftershave,shampoo and perfume that I love so much
My love,My love, My love
come home for I need this empty void to be filled by you
My love please come home.
© Mikailu