

I'm getting so high
I'm losing my mind
Floating off my life
Say you, ain't you in?
Are you fit to stand up now?
Are you feeling hot
Guts growing deep
Inside your soul?

Cause it's the only way I can see
And it will help you too
You and me slowly would clear off
Our pains under its power
Drink on please, all of it
We'll have more tonight
Twill clear, our head, after

Drink up, don't hold back

Cause only we do feel
The sharp edges of memories
The sharp edges of memories
Drink up, don't hold back
You've watched souls fall off
The sharp edges of memories
The sharp edges of memories
Drink up, don't hold back

The sharp edges of memories
Drink up, don't hold back

We tried to play smart
Tried the blues
Often listen to the rock and rolls
To heal the...