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when you bethink your past,
the hurdles which came to light ,
which make you feel to depart from this life,
not literally,
but you really longed for everything
to just fade for some time,
and somehow you come up fine
you dont know how but back then,
you really wish you should have some clarity,
so that you have that expected vanity

when you have a decision to make
path you are going to choose for future sake,
you know clarity will certainly take
away the fear of putting life at stake
and once you have it now you are sure,
that no one can desist you to come to the fore

having clarity is really that important
i would say rather not

what if clarity is sometimes the real devil
what if it gives transperncy
but blocks all other vacancy
which u might find out
when you use your psyche as a hideout

what if it make us weak
give us what we doesn't seek
all these things which we overlook
tell me from your heart
how much time you took
asking these questions
which give your life a shape
keep asking
and u will find life is just peace of cake

"its okay not have clarity sometimes"

© wordly_aesthetic