

At times, I wonder, if the elements, of my life, know just how much, I love you and just how much, that I, need you and just, as much, to be able, to survive, for I wonder, does the wind, know that when, it brushes, past my body, that I, can imagine, it is your caress, that is holding, tightly to me and i wonder, does the air know, that I, need to breathe, your essence and I wonder, does the sun, know that the heat, of its fire, is the way, my heart, burns for you, always keeping me warm, inside, even at times, it is cold out and I wonder, does the water, know it tastes, more satisfying, more pure, as I want, to dive into, the pools, of your eyes.

So now, I wonder, if the earth knows, how many miles, I have traveled, in my walks, in my journeys, from one end, of the world, to the other, for our feet, touch the same, dirt, concrete, crunchy leaves and fallen snow, as we feel, the same wind and are warmed, by the same sun and to gaze, at the same moon, while breathing, the same air, for even though, we are far apart, we are close, living in, each others heart.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs