

Just for a day
Just for a day!!
Wish to be in your salle.
Can't blame the yellow,crimson flowers
Bee within me groveling to suck thy nectar.

Diving into the depth of your sight
Thou art delicious and delight !
Weaving passion over the hive,alight ?
Th' desert touch in the vale of your cellar tonight.

Dare overcomes the cleft valleys
Ne' er plumes as such into the eyes
Fluttering in the gale of your sway
Sailing romantic joyous in your bawley.

Wearing your smile,thy love
hath spears in my heart
With to lay by stained over
your breast
Aye 'shivered shield in thou
Wish to die loving ye'
in folds of lock and lips ,
Pouring myriad feelings in gestures
of romantic smile and insane heart beats.
Keeping the muse in turn
Reverence chain down in you.
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