

Loveable relation
The one who loves us a lot,
don't leave you alone,

Trying to make you mentally strong,
first and best wellwisher until the end,

The one who endeavor to safeguard you,
they seek to help you,

The one who things a lot about you,
Is your MoM and DaD,

They won't and don't think bad to you,
But they seek to teach good things;
to lead your life without any difficulty,

But we don't understand it,
They are working for us to live happy,

They have much problems and difficulties,
but they won't show to us,

They seek to see you in an good position,
You might understand that when you were in a parenthood,

That's one thing don't forget this,
sometimes parents can't come along with you because that's the nature of our life. You have many troubles in your life but the words told by your parents will always with you in your heart.


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