

Dear Sister, (3)
I am going to be straight with you. Firstly, I would rather had said this in person, face to face, but I don't think that would be good for me right now.
Secondly, I am not angry. I am not mad or upset or sad or happy as I write this. Read it as monotone, because there's no inflection in the words. They are just words, meant to convey their personal meanings.
Sister, I love you. I love you to death, and I would sacrifice myself for you a thousand times over if I had to. I only want whats best for you, and I've tried to think of you in all my choices because your my sister and deserve to be thought about in whether or not I did something drastic.
Sister, that said, as a team, as sisters... as humans, you can't just keep thinking about yourself. The relationship is both of us. My feelings and yours. I understand that we haven't been the best of sisters lately, or really sisters at all. Half of it is my fault. I own up to it. Half of it is your fault, because it takes both of us to make a mistake. I want to see you again. I want to make amends, I need to talk to you, I need to show you my lift since August of 2013. I need to get emotions off my chest and get the love and the sibling caring from you that I've tried so hard to give you.
Yes, we are sisters. Yes, we fight. Yes, right now the only things connecting us is our blood and our respect for one another as siblings, but I want more. I know our relationship won't ever be the same, but I don't want to lose you forever at the same time because you won't listen to me.
I have told you that you've hurt my feelings and you've rejected the notion you could do that, which isn't fair. I know its childish for me to explain it that way, but how else am I suppose to tell you that you are making me feel bad with your actions and words?
You're a good woman, Sister. A good mother. I want us to be good sisters too, because right now we aren't. All of my goals, from school, from therapy are just to make amends with you. I just want us to be sisters, not people who share the same parents.
I love you.
© Karia FelWell