

his eyes and her orbs
Something even more gorgeous than the night
Rests in his eyes; comrade to the blazing light in her orbs
The clouds splayed on their faces
Spread out white, pink and spiked with the drug of old
The drug with that incandescent passion,
With the undying urge of being cast as forever.
The one forever with a dutiful escape from the oblivion.
No obligation, keeps them together; maybe all says.
Stay afar, away from this circle of aged eternity,
It shall engulf you; with its constant desire and longing.
But the thrill of being that one ragamuffin;
And maybe having each other, vulnerable for that short while.
Keeps them, running ahead, jumping those obstacles
Running from the sidelines,
When no one is peeking through those heavy blinds,
Stealing those zombie kisses; those whispered assumptions
They hold hands and just walk away; unsure where it shall take them.

© uponAstar