

A beautiful witch she was
Strutting through the corridors of power
Having all she wanted at her beck & call
Enchanting her way to the top

Her Every stride, dripped with influence
Bringing governors, to their knees breathless
She even dined, with great presidents
Theirs was the cheapest trick, without a sweat

Well skilled in the art of hypnotism
She allured him, spell bound, to her body
She was sixty, he was three & twenty
Yet he shared her bed in glee

Glued to her side, like a stray puppy
Blindfolded he was, by her money
He did all her biddens, without thinking
Confident he had her, for milking

Not knowing He was the victim
He lived in luxury, lavished with her booties
The golden coin, his motivation
Feeling he had, the whole world at his feet.

She had him well, figured out
His future, definitely planned out
Into her net he had entered
Never to fly free without a fight

A fight Only meant for Titans
But this time the battle, was thrust to the lad
Panting and gasping, clawing and scratching
He attempted his escape from time to time

One night of passion, became a lifetime hustle
A bloody fight, for his dear life
A liesure past time, became a thorny path
A sinister den, he couldn't get past

Mammon had his Jaws this time
Her cage tightened against him than ever
His sleek gold queen and enchantress
Had become a firece, demon like lioness

Oh who could deliver him
From this quagmire
For a prey to be eaten up
Had he now become

He had heard her path, leads unto death
But considered them weak, which thus said
Now he hated himself for being naive
For being foolish & ignorant of all her ploys

All her tricks and schemes, were hidden from him
Like the path of the monkeys, amongst the trees
Now he knew he should have listened
To Wisdoms plea, to live the life of uprightness

Cautioning him from heeding her den
Wepping after him every night and day
But a deaf ear turned to the shepherds call
Was His without a remorse to turn

But right now it was all too late
As her sledge hammer, towered down upon his neck
Bones, veins, muscles, nerves, all scattered everywhere
In a million places, His end was executed

This was the unprecedented end
To him who made mammon his lord
Through the pathways of whoredom & lusts
Dinning at her tables, not by wisdom
But went all the way, in His machinations

A white washed sepulrchr she had being all along
Well disguised to entice his love
And when allured beyond control
A prey to the abyss was he fully broiled.


He who goes to her door, hastens to his grave, allured by her seeming wealth and physical assets. Be content with what you have, no matter how little it seems. Making the choice for sanctity, focused on Christ's Blessings, which is able to make you rich without sorrows in it.

#JesusSavesLives, #life, #poetry, #poem, #JesusChrist, #writersnetwork, #write, #writers, #writer, #poet, #writings, #writerscommunity, #writing, #wise, #philosophy, #truth, #writersunite, #postoftheday, #poemoftheday, #word, #words, #wordoftheday, #business, #success, #money, #lust, #mammon, #man, #door, #youngman, #poeminprose, #longform, #story, #shortstory, #poeticprose, #prose, #wealth,