

The enemy
My time - a currency,
My labour - a currency,
Working and toiling tirelessly,
To make a living,
Year in year out,
Day in day out,
Seven hours a day,
And yet I have nothing to show for it,

My bills ratchet up,
My wage still meager,
Putting food on the table,
Proves difficult,
Side hustles consume my thoughts,
Poor me,
I can't even think straight,

Dedicating my time, energy and creativity,
To make a phantom who cares less,
Richer and richer,
While I sink deeper,
Into the abyss of poverty,
My abode is in a deplorable condition,
His however screams luxury and opulence,
He eats until his belly is stuffed,
I on the other hand,
Like a vulture - scavenge,

Time and labour,
A priceless currency,
Reduced to a few shillings per hour,
No matter how hard I work,
I'll be forever shackled,
For in my tears, blood and sweat,
A insatiable mogul benefits
© muse 254