

Be Okay.
Our eyes always give away the feelings in our hearts.
Not only about our wars in our relationships with others,
But even so with the disappointments and difficulties that life always brought.
Be it the general problem that's being fought in the world,
Or just a battle within our own self.
It was not always relationship and friendship problems.
Atimes, we go through pains that cannot be shared.
And all we ever wanted was for someone to understand without communication.
It's just the idea of trying and failing.
Getting discouraged, even when it's evident that failure is part of success.
Atimes, one is just sad.
Sad because the future itself looks so gleam.
Sad because there is no motivation.
Life, as beautiful as it is, is hard.
It's okay to be sad. It's okay to not be okay.
But it'll be more okay to be okay despite all the problems preventing you from being okay.
I know that you are going through a lot but "there's always light at the end of the tunnel."

— Haiza.

© Haiza.