

Things went haywire somewhere along the way. They have taken hostages, someone should have told them that we are all going down, caused by a engine burn out when our wires got crossed and left in fray. They live in fear and this you can hear as they are calling out for help with big crocodile tears. Mayday..Mayday.. but no one is there, so you are stuck like a piece of shit up the creek with no paddle. You will never see dry land again no matter how close it appears. How can you fight back if you don't even know you are in a battle? It's like trying to ride a horse without a Sattle.
Just then the captain appeared, he said...That spirit hasn't been here since 1969, but you will be fine.. carry on your wayward son and go stop the slaughter of those who heard together as cattle.
Now where you headed ol' friends? What's that you say? Oh yes, that is a familiar place, a good old town, so many tormented lost souls still lingering around and some may never be found!
Down yonder in the deep south, east Texas, and if you stand in the right spot they have 4 state's that settle all around. Tales of the wicked sins that you won't see lurking behind those wicked grins. It's the sudden sway of the pines as if it were a whisper in the wind. You won't hear a sound, but you will get a eire feeling that comes from deep within. Blood on the hands of the ones who will judge. The old souls that don't know how to let go of an old grudge.
I told the operator to put my baby on the line...One more time... silence on the other end, I think the call was dropped or maybe the cord ripped from the wall by the dispatcher down the hall. How did we get so disconnected?
We are military marching hoorah...hoorah, trying not to trip, cause divided we all fall. To notice we have all neglected.. But there is still time, so why don't we just intercept it? Look at the bigger picture as we are united, and with the precision of a surgical knife we can make that swift slice for a perfect incision we can dissect it.
Free yourself of any misconception. To be here on the Earth's surface is the blessing. We are all out here stressing because we are in a global recession. So it's sink or swim and it has nothing to do with the meet of your ends. You gotta make it right with yourself, so take a walk and feel the burn of each one of your confessions. Stop putting your dirty laundry out to dry for everyone to look at as they are driving by. It only needs to be between the two of you, so even when the energy can not be seen and there is only your footprints in the sand. It is an unmistakable feeling to have in your presence, as you walk along side by side, and you get that feeling of peacefulness that you can finally understand.

© Jessica Rae Johnson