

A Fool at Heart
Why did you have to send me a message after so long
Why is it I can’t forget you even though I moved on
I try my best everyday to live a life without you
Yet the moment you message me I get pulled back to you

Why do these feeling still linger after all this time
Why can’t you leave me alone and get out of my mind
Do you enjoy it, having power over my heart?
Yet I still go back knowing ill be broken apart

Why do you come back in my life when you feel like it?
Claiming to think of and miss me, but never wanting to commit
Am I game to you, because that is how it seems?
Why do you come to and haunt me even in my dreams?

You broken my heart so many times I lost count
But I always want to give you a chance and end up being the clown
At the end you never see my sad or frown
Because at the end it will be me that takes you down

Enjoy your game, enjoy breaking my heart
I really don’t mind, because I’m already broken apart
Ending you will be my final shot in the dark
You best hope to god I don’t miss my mark...

© Brooklyn.C