

My Big Boy
Right now son you're still too young,
to understand these things I say.
Someday I hope you get to read them,
and in your heart they stay.

There is no way that I can fully describe what a miracle you are.
Words have not yet been created, that could fully describe and satisfy what you did for me, by coming into my life.
your my savior, my heart, my superstar.

while I'll admit, I was quite surprised,
to find out that you would soon arrive.
I was scared to death we would loose you.
I was busy destroying myself at the time, barely even alive.

I wasnt sure if I could go through it all again, my life was such a self destructive mess.
after loosing your brother, due to poor choices made by myself and your mother.

I was using insane amounts of drugs,
to mask the pain, to hide from the shame. I was killing myself slowly a little more each day, using drugs to take my feelings away.

I was afraid to even get attached to you,
I didnt know if id be able to get it right.
I had no idea what I was going to do,
or if we would even be able to take care of you.

But I knew I wanted you in my life so bad.
And that I really needed to be your dad.
it wasn't long before I realized how much of a blessing in disguise we had.

God was giving us a second chance.
To start over fresh so he sent you.
I want you to know that you saved my life.
from the moment you first opened your eyes.

You've made me want to be a better man.
You've given me a reason to try.
You eased the pain of loss.
You fixed my wing so I could fly.

you set things in motion in my life,
I wouldve never had the strength to do.
I loved you so deeply from the moment I heard your very first cry,
and I am so proud of my little guy.

There isn't anything in the world,
that I wouldnt do for you son.
you're the reason that I breathe.
you're my number one!

I cant wait to see what the future brings,
because I know you will be a great success.
watching you grow and learn new things,
makes me feel very blessed.

And I will always be here for you,
I'll do my best to provide.
I'll pick you up when you fall,
I'll always be by your side.

My love for you knows no boundaries.
If you could only see you through my eyes.
You would see just how special you are to me.
you're my heart, my soul and my pride.

Love Daddy.

© James L. Babcock Jr.