

Poem of the Age.
This poem will bore you, but it will entertain you.
This poem is incomplete, but it is complete.
This poem says, blacks are the poorest, but it says blacks are the richest.
This poem is negative, but it is positive.
This poem says, black leaders are corrupt, but it says they are good.
This poem says, black leaders are thieves, but they give to the poor that they steal from right?
This poem says African leaders are Robin Hood (they rob in hoods) , but they are still the batman.
This poem will call names of corrupt leaders, but it won't call them openly.
This poem says blacks are wicked, but blacks are kind.
This poem will make you sleep, but it will keep you awake.
This poem is full of lies, but it speaks all truth.
This poem is mute, but it speaks volume.
This poem is broken, but it will fix you.
This poem will show you evil activities, but it will cover your eyes.
Nobody will read this poem, but the whole world will read this poem.
This poem says black is weak, but is says black is strong.
This poem says black is ugly, but it says black is beautiful.
This poem is a joke, but it is serious.
This poem is dark, but it is light.
This poem is blind, but, it can see.
This poem will not last on the surface of the earth, but this poem will last forever.
This particular poem will lie to you, but will tell you the truth.
This poem is for the mature, but it's for babies.
This poem will mislead you, but it will lead you.
This poem will distroy you, but it will construct you.
You will look for this poem, but, you will not see it.
This poem makes no sense, but it makes sense.
This poem will change the world, but it will not change you.
This poem is double sided, but it is single sided.