

Reverie's end
In shades of emerald my heart once persued,
But in your gaze, I found a different hue.
Though not the color I once thought I'd adore,
In your eyes, I find what I've been looking for.

Your eyes are brown, a gentle sight,
With hints of gold, glowing so bright.
Flecks of amber, like stars they shine,
In your gaze, a love divine.

So why is it hard for me to meet your gaze?
Because in your brown eyes, my heart betrays.
But I fear to read the silent glance.
They say eyes tell the truth, what if I've no chance?

what if love's not there?

Your eyes, a place where reality softly gleams,
I don't want to wake from these gentle streams.
In dreams, your love is a guiding star,
But in waking hours, it feels so far.

So let me linger in this slumber's embrace,
For I don't want to wake to love's empty space.
Yet through the struggle, I'll dare to see,
What lies within, what truth may be.

Through trembling breaths,
Let me brave the unfold mystery,

With steady resolve, I'll face the sight,
For in the end, I'll find my light
To the strength within, the peace of mind.
I set myself free...

© eyabenslimen