

The wind takes my soul and blows it into another dimension
I have no choice but to carelessly chase after it,
Hoping it jumps back into my disoriented,
Raggedy body
Why did the wind take my soul when I needed it the most?
Why does the wind cross me over like it’s Michael Jordan,
Leaving me left in shambles?
I’m not perfect and I’ve made mistakes but does my struggles really make me strong?
I’m alive on the outside but my heart stopped beating years ago,
Here we go,
Back to the depressed state that I know and can’t escape, so I put the barrel of my gun in my mouth and blow
I feel the bullet rumbling through my esophagus,
Knocking me down and killing me as if I deserve it
Is there an exit wound?
Here I am laid out from my demise
Self-victimization at its finest but do I not deserve to be free?
My brain is chained to my thoughts
My mouth opens but my words can’t escape
They’re scared
Horrified as the consequences are dire and the repercussions are deadly
I’m stuck
I can’t move and the more I try,
The more it becomes a blur and I start beating myself in the head
My body hurts
My body is tired and I’m about to die
I’ve lived for as long as I can but the hurt is no longer my friend
The pain is no longer my cousin and depression is no longer my mother
I lay in my bed,
Wishing it was a casket and I was being buried in the ground where a worthless man like myself belong
I deserve it
To be dead
To be miserable
To be…

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