

last week,
I did something that
I would have normally found impossible

I came out.

I told my parents,
my friends,
and I even cut my hair-
the most boyish it’s ever been

I was frightened,
terrified, even,
as the majority of my family and friends
are religious,
and extremely uneducated of the subject

yet, to my surprise,
a miracle came about.

they accepted!
oh, the joy I felt in those moments
was something I’ll never forget,
even my mom was supportive,
that’s something I never expected!

it’s a whole different type of joy
getting to authentically be myself,
I’ve never felt so euphoric,
so alive, and so free

so, to those who’ve supported me
throughout my struggles,
throughout my days of
not feeling happiness or freedom

to those who will continue to support me
throughout my struggles
which I will continue to recite
through my writing, my flow of words

and, lastly, to those close to me
of whom I came out to,
from my mom who I didn’t expect
to support me for who I am,
my dad, who I knew wouldn’t mind,
to my friends,
from Kameron, who has been here for me
since day one of it all,
to Zoe, who I haven’t known a year
and she’s been one of the best allys I know.

here’s to all of you.

and, to those on this app
that have supported me through my writing,
through kind comments
and the love many of you have sent,
I love you. I love ALL of you,
you’re like my online family,
and, although I’m not online as often as I was,
you all mean the absolute world to me,
and I appreciate every one of you

so, thank you, to all of you.

© sam