

Be courteous, Be disciplined
Everywhere you find yourself, Don't breach the protocols, Be modest,
Even if the situation seems irritating, you'll want to keep your mindset,
People who easily become touchy, are never reverred, ask any,
Everyone needs money for sure, But, engage in good occupation, goodly ones,
Don't feel too haughty, infact, don't feel haughty at all, it's bad

Morality is no bane, stand against immorality, it destroys,
Never turn your back against anyone, if you can help, help!,
Being loving never tortures, one good turn deserves another, you know,
Be calm and quiet, even when you feel you have the right to be angry,
No one should tell you; i feel or i am disappointed at..., no one!,

...know of a successful person, check well, they are courteous,
If any would want to be great, Don't write off being disciplined,
Even when chips are down, apply a touch of smile and taciturnity,
Don't mock anyone, tomorrow, we all know; no one knows,
Words are life, speak it wisely; it can also cause death,

Never look down on anyone, our creator knows best,
Don't show awkward festiveness, be tranquil, be pristine,
Don't judge anyone, "a pot shouldn't call the kettle black",
I believe determination is sine qua non to discipline, be determined!,
Respect elders, leaders, infact honour all, it draws no blood from us.

© versatile™ '20