

too much is happening, there is no space left in my mind,
gotta comprehend it all
but how
I'm just so overwhelmed
makes me want to take that rope,
take that leap,
let go of everything that ever made any sence to me,
cos all that once made sence
isn't making any sence to me at all,
it's all creating conflict inside my mind,
I don't know how much longer I can go on,
I don't think I have enough time,
gotta let go and accept it as it is,
stop rattling my brain
don't over think life
and the tests it throws your way,

ive let it take over my brain,
it's starting to take over my soul,
I don't know where to turn,
I don't remember the feeling of being whole,
I don't know my next move,
taking it as it comes,
cos living in the moment is the only thing that last

coping mechanisms are strange don't you agree,
I don't think any psychologist
could place just one diagnosis on me, I swear I'm crazy
like a little insane maybe coo coo
I am losing it through all this
heart break, how much longer til I break, I don't want to cave
how much strength will I need, how much ambition will this take,

I don't think you understand the pain unless you've endured the grief,
and for me personally I tell you,
there is so many different stages to Greif and every single person endures it differently
but even for that person,
and that person it could be you,
the pain you endure from different heartbreaks,
different losses,
different romances
different blossoms,
you will go through different stages but each time you endure this pain i hear this will slowly over time become vague and kinda just become a painful memory

ahhh isn't life a blessing 😏
© sandiiRsalt