

Power of words
by Tushar

Do you know the Power of a simple pen?
Only a true inspired writer knows,
Writing is an art playing with words,
That we feel and write them down,

We write due to our burning desire inside us,
Pushing our minds to write poems,
Adding values to someone's life,
Is the best blessing a writer can ever get,

You have the power to write,
Don't fear what other's think,
Improve your writing everytime,
Being creative is the best skill you have,

Neglect those negative thoughts,
Write your own stuff that strikes,
Nothing is impossible for a fearless person,
One day You will be among the top writers,

Wishing everyone all the best to start your writing with more creativity.
Believe in yourself.
Thank you everyone!
# writcopoems
# poems #motivationalpoems #inspiration #motivation
# notetoawriter #lettertoawriter #writertushar

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