in the night
sometimes a shadow
comes in the night
and towers above me
right by my side
no matter how hard I try
i cannot get up
all I can move are my eyes
my body is stuck
so all I can do
is lay there and watch
alone in my room
time seemingly stops
faceless are his features
as if in a disguise
what a strange creature
that comes in the night
open my eyes if I dare
when his breathing wakes me up
and then we both stare
but I'm the only one stuck
a feeling comes creeping
that it only prepares
to lunge and attack me
as I lay here
© Amanda C Granado
comes in the night
and towers above me
right by my side
no matter how hard I try
i cannot get up
all I can move are my eyes
my body is stuck
so all I can do
is lay there and watch
alone in my room
time seemingly stops
faceless are his features
as if in a disguise
what a strange creature
that comes in the night
open my eyes if I dare
when his breathing wakes me up
and then we both stare
but I'm the only one stuck
a feeling comes creeping
that it only prepares
to lunge and attack me
as I lay here
© Amanda C Granado