

I Chose you
I chose you before you ever knew,
In dreams and whispers, in skies of blue.
Before our paths had crossed, entwined,
I felt your presence, wish I could tell you.

In the quiet moments, when the world was still,
I saw your smile, felt an unknown thrill.
Your essence lingered in the air,
A promise of love, tender found rare and often healed.

I chose you in the songs of dawn,
In the first light of a new day born.
Before our hearts had learned to beat fast,
My soul had found you, the only one.

In crowded rooms or lonely streets,
In fleeting glances, in heartbeats,
I sought the spark that would ignite,
The flame of love, eternal light conquered peace.

Now, as you stand before my gaze,
I see the truth of all those days.
I chose you then, I choose you now,
To you, my heart and soul I vow.

For in my dreams and every choice,
I always hear your silent voice.
Before the world knew we were two,
I had chosen, always, you.
© Rinki bhardwaj