

10 minutes with her
10 minutes with her

This time I felt uneasy

I was going to see my doctor

When I got there I cried

Without even meeting the doctor.

In a moment I saw the light

The light lit up my blinded eyes

And my blind eyes saw the creature

The creature of a beautiful girl in front of me.

Her face was like a precious pearl

Her mysterious voice good to hear

I was exulting with joys when she greeted me

But also remaining silent like a baby.

I admired her beauty that surrounded her

She blessed me with her cute smile

She was so lovely and so incomparable

She melted my heart, beauty.

Time is man's great enemy

After ten minutes she was gone

And I had turned around in the dark

Because the light was out.

I looked for her always and everywhere

I want that light still in my life

I want 10 minutes to be eternity

I miss her!

© Eric B Kwizera