

Invisible Threads
In quiet rooms where shadows play,
Invisible threads weave night and day,
Connecting souls in whispered sighs,
Binding hearts where silence lies.

Each gentle glance, each fleeting touch,
Crafts a tapestry that means so much,
Though unseen paths may drift apart,
The threads remain, entwined in heart.

Through trials faced and laughter shared,
In every moment, love declared,
These fragile links, though faintly shown,
Hold us close, though we roam alone.

So let us cherish these unseen ties,
The bonds that linger, the love that never dies,
For in the tapestry of our lives,
Invisible threads are where hope survives.

Through storms that rage and skies that weep,
These threads endure, their promise deep.
In darkest nights, they softly gleam,
Guiding us back to the shared dream.

With every heartbeat, they intertwine,
A silent chorus, a sacred sign.
When words falter, and distance grows,
These threads of love are what we chose.

In laughter’s echo and sorrow’s plea,
They remind us of what’s meant to be.
Though paths may wander, we’re never lost,
For every thread, there’s a heart’s cost.

So hold on tight to what we can’t see,
The invisible threads that set us free.
For in this web of fate and chance,
We find our strength in love’s sweet dance.

As life unfolds with each passing year,
These threads grow stronger, drawing us near.
In every joy, in every tear,
Invisible threads make us persevere.

So let us weave with care and grace,
A tapestry rich in love’s embrace.
For though unseen, they hold us tight,
Guiding our hearts through day and night.

© Shaamil