

of course I remember.
or at least
I think I do.

every 5 seconds life starts over.
every 5 seconds I’m new
and I forget any pain
or discomfort.
the chips in my fins
show something
but I don’t know what.
it’s not really my business
and anyways
I’ll be reborn again soon.
soon, soon, soon.

I get startled by my own reflection sometimes.
I forget what I look like. I forget.
I was small once. I slept soundly.
now I have to keep moving.
maybe I am a shark these days.
maybe I am shaken and desperate
running into the sides of my bowl
begging for more. begging to go
where I can’t even survive.
always wanting to do
things I’m not meant for

I am not a warrior.
this I know. I...