

life after death
Oh God, let me know what is my punishment after death ,
Am I so bad choice for you
May I ask you what are my bad work for which , waiting for your red eye,
My life is full of pain , what I can do if you don't give wealth to spend,
I may have done some things wrong for my survival,
I have shown cruelity to some innocent
Am I by birth a born criminal or circumstances have chaged me
My desire never fulfill as your gift then, how it is created in my mind
I dream for a small shelter home for my family
I dream 2 meals for my family
I dream 1 set clothes for my family
I dream a bottle of milk for my son
I dream a bottle of drinking water
I dream some medicine when we sick
No God come to me , I only pray to help me
Then , I feel like self created God and have power to get things as I wish
I never have peace of mind
Not enough for me ,
as punishment ?
who is responsible for my act God you or me
Now I am in my death bed
waiting for your presence to take me in your world
I am excited to know which gate will be opened for me to enter in your world
But what gift you will give to me when I donate my blood for sick
When I donate my labour for the relief for the flood victims
I saved many when the building was in fire and all are helpless
I saved the accident victims who are breathing last breath in road
I share my food who someone is hungry
I heard that God gives punishment for rebirth and freedom to those who are good in their life
I am happy to leave another life
I like to offer my next life for the betterment of humanity
God bless me and perdon me for all my bad work.
