

Stranger in the Mirror
I see a reflection in the mirror and i dont know who this is.
I see sadness in her eyes, her long hair all scattered and messed.
Her face shows her age with wrinkles all over it.
She wamts to smile but seems she cant think of a reason to smile.
Her body calling out for help uncared and unloved.
She looks back at me and stares at me with her sad eyes as if she is asking for help.
I remember few years ago i used to see a beautiful girl in the mirror.
When she smiled back at me i felt amazing.
When she dressed up into what she liked i felt confident.
She had beautiful long straight hair with a beautiful shiny skin.
Her eyes were full of joy and love and i could stare at her for hours.
I lost her and i cant find her but i miss her so much.
I miss seeing her everyday and now she is gone and left me with a stranger to stare at.
No i did not loose her overnight i lost her over the course of time.
I want her back that confident girl who took care of herself and had eyes full of hope and dreams for a beautiful tomorrow.
She loved herself and she was kind and i knew her for a long time and she was my friend.
The stranger in my mirror is not my friend i avoid her and makes me sad but she looks at me at times as if she is asking for help.
I feel she wants me to do something to help her or to rescue her.
I think she wants me to get our lost friend back to help her.
I think she wants me to look at her and learn to live more and smile more.
She wants me to find the lost hope to find our lost friend.
She wants me find and pursue my lost dreams and dream more.
She wants me to love myself again so we are not strangers anymore.
She seems to want to tell me ....even though our friend is gone and lost we can find her together slowly.
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