

declined to marry
In moments of bleak, smirk,
You wonder how it will work?
And of misery, roar,
Just like before I wonder if things will become a chore or worse yet a bore, every day the same as the one before while thinking this I can't help but to stare at the floor,as you make choices as to m future on your own accord I might be poor bust rest assured I don't have to marry you in orde to live life affordably as I relay this to you suddenly your reaction brings about the devils due I never had a clue you went to him as though it wouldn't fall through who knew I don't care what deal was made with you I make my own decisions you should have knew I have no desire to marry you. I'm good without you on my own than to have the unknown pressures of being owned I'm a person body mind and sold and I won't listen to what you've been told.I'm me and I'm free and I won't submit to defeat so back away if you please no get up off your knees go in peace and leave me be