

As I lay me down
Unlike Witney, heaven don't hear me now
May the waters below me
do me justice and cover me with no lie

As I lay me down
I run away from the world's deeds
run away from humiliation like being seen with cold feet
run away from misinterpretation of that pains that always cut deep
and as I lay me down I stopped the heartbeat

As I lay me down
I breathe in something different,it's not just liquid
It's pure not diluted,you can't just fake it
It goes up my nostrils and covers all my thoughts,in just a second
And before you know it,I just let go
The past,the present and all the secrets

No more stains on the precious gown
No more spotlight you're not a clown
No more fear that is around
No more hurt that is very loud
The only thing left but never found
when they still had a chance was to be proud

I left it all
I left my crown
cause I let it all go
As soon as I layed me down...