

She couldn't sleep in the night.
Felt a lump in her breast on the right.
Try as she could the fear kept coming,
And in her heart she knew cancer came calling.
After two test it was confirmed positive.
Nothing matters anymore The world became inactive.
Her family stood by her thru the fight,
After five surgeries her eyes lost it's light.
One more great lady fell to death's servant's might

He had a strange pain on his lower abdomen,
He didn't complain cause men will always be men.
A doctor he visited when the feeling persisted.
And there he received the news many dreaded.
Colon cancer's what he had he just never knew,
Until it had progressed to the critical stage two.
And now a fight with death had been staged.
The man who never lost is defeated And caged.
One more desolated family lose their first page.

Cancer is a real and frightening condition to have.
The pains of losing your loved ones on heart is carved.
So many greats have fought this battle to bitter end.
And on the words "you have cancer" many dreams end.
Let us therefore look after each other with love and care.
And if you have cancer know in our hearts we do care.
For the road is long but you can make it if you dare.
With God, science and everybody doing their work share.
You can in the end scream your stories amidst cheers.
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