

Ode To A Comical Mishap
**VII. Climax Unraveled**

In mud, my pants lay strewn,
A sight that left me feeling blue.
A plunge unplanned, a comical boon,
My dignity, it too, was undone.

**VI. Slipping in the Mire**

Through dappled paths, I tread with glee,
Unnoticed puddles, my reckless decree.
A foot misplaced, a splash profound,
I slipped and fell, laughter's echoing sound.

**V. The Precipitous Descent**

A gentle slope, a tempting lure,
But hidden roots, a cruel allure.
My footing faltered, down I went,
A comical tumble, an accident sent.

**IV. The Balancing Act**

A log I crossed, a narrow beam,
My arms out wide, a graceful scheme.
But gravity played a mischievous whim,
And off I toppled, limbs in disarray, a gem.

**III. The Can't-Catch-Me Chase**

Through verdant fields, I raced with glee,
A butterfly lured me, swift and free.
But a slippery stone beneath my feet,
Sent me tumbling, my laughter complete.

**II. The Canine Encounter**

A playful pup, eager to embrace,
Leapt up with joy, a canine grace.
But its paws missed, and I found my seat,
In a pile of leaves, a comical feat.

**I. The Triumphant Arrival**

With pride I stride, a grand debut,
A gathering assembled, waiting for my cue.
But as I approached, a clumsy stride,
I tripped and tumbled, my dignity defied.
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