


Help me understand that —
This love thing has me left in a bad place,
This prison has decapitated my mental state;
I feel ashamed to express my true feelings of love,
Afraid to be hurt and left to dive;
Into depression that never fades but thrive,
Thus I'm insecure and hallow inside;
As I let anguish and fear to progress,
The more I doubt love and its grace.

I'm told to love is to give and expect none in return,
The agony of this theory is that love is pain;
To the giver and more credit to the receiver,
Who, if truth be told is a nonbeliever;
In the love you're freely giving,
And round it goes but none is returning;
Help me understand that.
I feel as if I'm the only one who gets the magnitude,
Of this issue of love, I don't mean to sound rude.

I'm just a man looking for help,
No fights, arguments hell no but hope;...