


i think i hate my self more than i hate you.
i hate you for a lot of reason ill name just a few.
i hate that you don’t care about the way that i feel, but when its your feelings you make such a big deal....
i hate your friends because they’re all big babies, watch out i bet you they all have rabies....
i hate that you’re only there whenever you choose, when i need you, thats when you refuse....
when you need something you pretend that you care, but when you finally have it all you don’t even share....
you expect me to take care of you no matter what, even after you cheated on me with so many sluts....
you think i cant leave you and walk out the door, well i can tell you i deserve so much more....
i thought i found the one i guess i am wrong, you’re not the guy i though i knew all along...
once and for all i need to really say my goodbye, and this time when i leave you wont see me cry!

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