

Whispers of Nature

Amidst the woods where whispers play,
Nature's secrets in the light of day.
Leaves murmur secrets to the trees,
A dance of life carried by the breeze.

Mountains rise with silent might,
Touching the heavens with peaks of white.
Whispers of nature, ancient and wise,
Hold the world's stories within their skies.

Rivers flow with a gentle song,
Guiding us as we journey along.
Birds weave tales in melodies clear,
Nature's whispers, forever near.

Stars above twinkle in cosmic art,
Guiding wayfarers with a steady heart.
Whispers of nature, a lullaby of the earth,
In every moment, a wondrous rebirth.

So harken closely to nature's voice,
In its gentle whispers, find your choice.
A symphony of life, a serene embrace,
Nature's whispers, a timeless grace.



© JomyContreras