

I write

I’m no poet
Nor picasso
I write
I write when the lights are not so bright
In the late hours of the night
I write when it feels right
I struggle with this fight
The struggle of ensuring my words are alright
The burden of making sure my words leave my heart tight
I am burdened with interpreting the meaning of my nights

I should stop this fight
For sometimes I open doors to things I don’t want to fight
To thoughts not worth the light

My poems are like dreams
I know who wrote them
I remember being there
I can feel the emotions of the man that was there
But I cannot remember the me that was there

I ask for motivation
Divine inspiration
So that my words aren’t those of indignation, or vast separation
Putting an end to days of temptation
Opening doors to peace and new sensations
Ending the days of fear and rejection

inspired by
back of beyond from Sophie Hutchings

© Yohan Gray