

A hope-lost journey in search of ‘The One’,
That’s how it ended for some or may have even begun.
It may have been something never thought about,
A mate for your soul? In their mind that never sprout.

What rarely was remembered by one and all,
That the heart was made to love, though it may fall.
Soulmates, not everyone may believe exist,
But one meant for another, now that’s the gist!
A wandering by the soul in search of a companion,
Simple it may seem or more like walking through a canyon.

Keep this in mind, to not have your heart be fooled,
What matters is contentment and small joys pooled.
A feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment is what stems from
A search or not, it concludes with a bliss.
What makes one so sure of this rare find?
It may never thoroughly be explained with a conscious mind.

Someone to share the joys and sorrows that come life’s way,
Maybe that’s what soulmates are destined for, come what may.
To have that sense of belonging are what souls yearn,
Meaning the world and more to someone, never to adjourn.
In the end, a depiction the heart may just be,
But it’s the soul behind it, that’s like the vast sea!

What the post-millennial may find tough to see,
Is that written in stone, is a plan by Thee.
If found this so-called mate for your soul,
Thank Thee, be determined and keep it burning like red hot coal.

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez
(Inspiration credits: M/s Elrica Wendel Menezes)