

Have you ever been stuck
In a situation where there's no appropriate reaction
I smile as tears stream down my face
I smile, with a frowning face
Barely holding the storm within
My heart clashes with the waves of my thoughts
And i laugh, manically, till they convert into screams
They say it right, love is infact blind
Because what the fuck did I see in you that gave me your contagious infection as well
Your ideologies don't marvel me anymore
Your sick repeated lines, only tire me more
Your lies, are my bedtime stories
I hate when you smile
Because I can't understand why it still affects me
Why I want to still hold you whenever you're in pain
Why do my thoughts still drift about your health?
It took you a second to write down another fairytale
But I'm stuck here , all by myself
And I'm happy, I'm okay
I'm trying every single second to somehow forget you
I'm okay, or I will be okay, I promise I don't need you
Yes, I wish you hadn't left, because I still believed in us,
I trusted you
But I guess, your loyalty and promises were always hollow
your heart black
I look at the ashes of our burned- photos
is there a way to delete that shit out of my head?

© nervous_system