

Mother Nature
Title: Mother Nature
By EmpressMaire

If God give a chance to become a mother earth.
I am willing to give my life,
And be part of the nature.
My spirit that blend to the air,
The power and force of greens
That restore the beauty of nature.

My tears, transformed to a rain,
Washing all the negativity.
My flesh that eliminated in soil,
The smile in lips, represent the flowers bloom in the land.
The sounds and voice created by air, as the music of soul.

By my hand spread in world,
That the hearts burning desire
And the bones will be, the strong trees in forest.
Standing without fair.

For the life of us, being human
All of it connected in nature.
Poisoning and ruining the nature,
Is like killing ourselves!
That's why? Bare in mind,
Mother earth and human are bind as one.
