

Stop resist'n.....
The miranda was barked 2 the battered, dazed & cuffed street laid 36yr old boy of that region who was now made in-season…..As I stood amazed, to
watch a conversation go from pleasant 2 tased, my man on the ground getting punched & sprayed... Wow 5.0 scream'n stop resist'n while back-ups jump'n on & escalates the tension. People all around with phones on stream, witnessing a legal beat'n, killing or just a choke out...All the while I kept saying 2 myself not again.... how the fuk is that resisting?!!? when you're on the ground, cuffed & out numbered....that's how they'll sell it (This Brown ass boy did not comply).....4 people like me, in situations like this resist has become survival reality cuz, you gotta keep moving movement is life, which ur trying to save... as u pray this nightmare is not ur demise, as the light flickers dim in this brown guys eyes. That's how we're played & cop prosecutions R rarely made, cuz clubs trump spades that's how our system was made....2 kill or corral helps keep some paid.
Now the message without words rings loud & clear 2 ya'll colors & various queers best lay low b4u catch the raft of the boys in blu who protect u.......
B. Mack
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I dedicate this to friends/fam, who are surviving this crazy pandemic & our place in the world. 2 those who I've confided, vented or listened to, I'd like to thank U for helping me see from all prospective angles...Joel Ortiz, Noble Woods III, AJ Pape, Andrew Gutshall, Marshall Jefferson, Steve Poindexter, Liu Yeoh, P. Hatfield