A struggle to justify love
I often feel drawn to women,
enticed by their form
and allured by their essence.
But is my proclivity predetermined?
A pernicious pattern or a force for good
Is what I feel true?
Is it love or lust,
and can it be justified—
something akin to possession?
If so, is it in good spirits?
What is love?
Perhaps love is detachment,
not wanting or needing, but service.
The frequent conclusion
- a subtle admiration and reverent distance.
enticed by their form
and allured by their essence.
But is my proclivity predetermined?
A pernicious pattern or a force for good
Is what I feel true?
Is it love or lust,
and can it be justified—
something akin to possession?
If so, is it in good spirits?
What is love?
Perhaps love is detachment,
not wanting or needing, but service.
The frequent conclusion
- a subtle admiration and reverent distance.