

Romance or Romanticism
I used to think I'll never know what romance is about
Why it ignites a spark in your mind
at at the same time your heart and it sits like a cloud

on your mental wellbeing
making you want to drown in daydreams and get lost in the beautiful naked moments

of loving that man-to-woman touch too much
too feel the bare feelings of it all
first bare my soul; then bare my body, right?

even if it's not about wondering what their lips would feel like on yours
Would it burn you too hard
Would they be softer than yours
would your motions
and those fantastis daydreamed caresses
go together smoothly?

even if it's not about what their skin feels like under that thin layer of clothing that covers the heart

what do they have that makes you want to touch them
and it makes you feel some kind
of chemical connection with someone you always want to rewind back to

But now I realize falling in love
is not the rule of living life as well
as you possibly can
You don't need crushes to make it all work out
to make you realize what life is about
to know that you're good enough.

Is it romance or only romanticism?

© @elsastrauss7