

She renders me.
Afternoon sky is drizzling.
In solemn symphony.
A few sober puffs,
Hesitantly billows above.
In office, I'm on third floor balcony.

Glittery wet street,
Umbrella walks quick.
Intermittent sonorous traffic.
Her all soaked tresses, dripping.
Across there still awaiting, a Mohogany.

And here comes my girl.
A little fluffy, little dark and a lot vivacious.
She is mischief queen in my team.
But always saves me in my shortcomings.
She is fond of me, cares like my mom.

After a long initial sermon
She told me there is a girl, her friend.
On other side of glass wall.
She told me she wants to meet.
But she can't, she has a condition.
She can meet only if I promise to marry her.

I was surprised but not bewildered.
I felt humble, someone loves me after all.
But how could I give my word.
I never saw her, never noticed she is there.
I don't know even her name.
From where she came,
Where she belong.
How come I give my word?
Of course I can meet her as she wish.
With such condition, there is no need.

She cajoled me a while.
She had a point, not to see any guy.
She told me she is very decent, her friend.
Unable to connect unless open and intimate.
Cannot go along long superficialy without depth, she can't fake.
In other relations, she is not interested.

I acknowledged her perspective.
Asked her to convey my respect.
Her friend, indeed, I felt, devoted.
With her life, sincerely passionate.
Still i can't give my word, i can't yield.
A few days later, her friend, quit office.

I couldn't yield, I couldn't yield,
I couldn't yield I couldn't yield
I couldn't yield I couldn't yield

Now decades have rolled down.
I never tried, I never found.
Though I had busy life,
She remained alive,
In some corner of my mind.
Inconsistent but I hear a mellow cello sound inside, profound.
I am still aloof, live in seclude,
I have understood
Who you were. Where you live,
Who you belong to and how you look like.

Why couldn't I submit, why couldn't I submit
Why couldn't I submit why couldn't I submit
Why couldn't I submit why couldn't I submit.

Now as you have appeared.
I wish you were she,
I wish she is you.
Who else could you be.
Trust life on faith's leap.
Can render her own,
What her heart has known.
Can surrender completely.

Before I lose my memory to Alzheimer's.
I need to tell you.
I was in love with you since time immortal.
I was fool that I thought I didn't see you at all.
It's you, my life, I was always looking for.
It's you, my beloved, makes life flower.
Next life, por favor, don't deceive me with your words.

I surrender to you, I surrended to you
I surrender to you, I surrender to you
I surrender to you, I surrender to you.
Ohhh beloved, I surrender to you.