

Dearly Missed
Sunshine warms my aging face

I pray God keeps my loved ones safe.

For it takes a toll upon my heart,

pondering that in time, death will do us part.

Dearly missed are those who have passed on,

I cannot believe it's been so many years since my son's been gone.

I've often wondered, through the grief how it never stayed my feet.

Why didn't I join him and admit defeat

Am I truly moving forward?

What then, am I aiming toward?

I thought I'd die the day he did,

Instead his absence increased my will to live.

What if the bible thumpers are right?

And the truth is if you take your life

the darkness douses the proverbial 'light'?

Leaving the soul ill-fated, eternally alone,

Stuck somewhere between Hell's fire, and home.

On this note I've decided not to take that risk,

It won't be long, for life is brisk.

If Heaven truly exists I'll see,

My Angels, will have saved a place for me.

Heidi Shavill