

Sometime in 2015.
It was night already and I still stood outside
Alone In my head singing, sometime in 2015
He came out too and asked why I was alone there
I didn't have any answers, at least none clear
Then he came closer and told me I've been a bad girl
Or that I hadn't been asking for his Welfare
Then he blocked my way with his grip so firm!
It took me a while to realize his hands and intentions already had me
I began struggling just to get his hands off my tits
But you know he was strong, it was like it didn't move him
In a tussle, I threatened I was gonna scream
He became calm and freed me
And then he whispered in my ears
"Pat you can't run from me"
I thought it was over
little did I know that he meant his words indeed.

© Agada Patricia B.