

Where Did The Time Go?
My phone runs out,
It’s a nightmare when I want to take photos,
I can’t listen to my favourite music for the car ride home anymore,
I forgot to bring a charger so there’s nothing else to do.

Car rides make me feel unwell,
So I try to look outside of the window but it’s not working,
I feel unwell for the past year but there’s no reason as to why,
I eat breakfast but I still feel unwell.

At least I manage to fall asleep in the car,
When I awake though my head feels awful,
I can’t do anything without feeling unwell or in pain,
I just wish I knew why.

Until then I’ll do the best I can,
Try my best to find ways to make it go away,
Be less stressed all the time,
It’s hard though when there’s so many people around me all the time.

I’ve found a safe space that’s temporary,
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it though,
Every time it changes it hurts to think of what it once was,
Now there’s always people around and it’s too overwhelming.
© Mads