

Love & Fear
Love, how illogical a concept

Some say 'Let us make Love and not War'

Is not Love a War?

'Love is easy' has no one said

Does one not fight to keep Love, like unto a sailor fighting to keep his ship afloat?

Some say, 'Let us Love, and Fear no more'

Is not Fear, the byproduct of Love?

Does not the faithful wife, mourn her husbands health, when it is in a critical state?

Does she not Fear day and night for his speedy recovery, even when the doctor tells her to fear not?

For if she did not have Fear, then many would say, 'She has no Love, this union is Loveless'

For it is Love, that inspires Fear

If Love and Fear were to be a couple, then they would make the greatest union in history, for they depend on one another, for survival

For if the absense of Fear be found, then one cannot Love

As this author does not Fear death

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