

Never Turn Weak
I watch the world around me

With a sadness that runs deeper than my soul

Not a single heart that beats even a small amount of truth anymore it seems

Hate is what radiates through every person I passed today walking these streets

When did kindness become so hard to find

I guess when selfishness became the new trend for the century

Everyone wants to fit in, becoming one with the sheep

Without the selfless, the people who naturally give love to everyone around them

The earth would end with fire and chaos

How can anyone lose their truth from birth?

Excuses of pain and hurt don't make sense to me at all

Why become what broke you down?

It's like watching your murder on-screen and applauding the killer, acting like that's your hero now

Shouldn't instead you want to avenge your death, by showing the one who crossed you

IT IS YOUR soul and it's yours to keep

I will never turn cold or hateful, it's simply for the weak

© SarahAbell
