

Love Of GOD

Love gives joy when you're sad.
And, In your loneliest hours, love wraps you warm.
Love keeps no record of wrong.
Love knows no boundaries.
Sinking in the trenches of sin Love reaches in, rescuing your hurting and aching soul.
Love covers you with the garment of joy and shows
you're a precious jewel.
Love gently yet firmly, warns you from dangers ahead.
Rebuking you sharply, yet in the spirit of love.
Love patiently waits for you and helps you.
When you stumble, and should you ever fall.
It'll pick you up.
Love isn't rude and irritable.
Love doesn't even hold a grudge, For the love
stirs you to the path of your divine destiny.
Love holds you in your weakest moments.
and, take you in your place of destiny. Yes, this Love is God.
The Love of Christ.
That never fails me. 

© chris_yash